In light of the recent terror attacks around the world, specifically in Beirut and Paris, I have seen a lot of people taking to social media and using these attacks to try to push the idea that we need an even more stringent screening process for those seeking asylum or that we should close our borders altogether. They are also taking the opportunity to denigrate people of the Islamic faith; holding them responsible for the actions of an extremist group whose ideology seems to be very far removed from that of your average Muslim person. And many are citing their “freedom of speech” in defending their “right” to do so.

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That last bastion of news reporting and current events, Sunrise, has again added fuel to the flame war that is the vaccination argument.

I refuse to call it a debate, because, as I have said previously, that implies there are two sides that are both valid. This is just not the case here and I’m heartily sick of the whole anti-vaccination crowd being given any credibility by the media.

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