A Guest Post by Ellen McNally

As well as breastfeeding her own children, Ellen has studied lactation and worked with women who have needed help with breastfeeding and expressing milk.

For a lot of women, pumping is a labour of love. I have spent time with women in CICU (Children’s Intensive Care Unit) with some of the sickest babies in the country. You can see the heartbreak and devotion in the mother’s eyes whilst they pump away for their seriously ill babies, many of whom are fed their milk by kangaroo pumps, syringes and nasogastric tubes (often called just an NG Tube). The sentiment of these women all seems to be consistent “It is all I am able to do for them”


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We are often our own harshest critics. I don’t think I know any parent that hasn’t second-guessed a decision, agonised over a choice, felt they could have done better if only they had know this or read that. I think its part of being a parent- the constant assessment and critical analysis of our own actions and words is generally driven by a desire to do our best by our kids- generally speaking, this desire to do the right thing by our kids- to do the best thing for our kids- is one of the hallmarks of a good parent.

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