The other night, or more accurately, in the wee hours of the morning, Miss B woke up and insisted on coming to my bed. This is not at all unusual and is not usually a problem but for reasons unknown, she would only go back to sleep on my chest, wrapped tightly in my arms.
My hazy brain knew that once she fell asleep I’d be able to lay her down next to me, but I must admit, I held her a few minutes longer. They are small for such a short time.


Before you know it, they are big kids, able to hold real conversations and make you a coffee when they see that you’ve woken up tired again.
I’m blessed with both ends of the spectrum- my almost 12 year old will often dress the almost 2 year old for me (without being asked to!) while I drink said coffee!
Although part of me wants just one more baby, I am so thankful for the babies I have – even the two that aren’t mine; the step-children that were part of the package deal my husband came with. Two great kids who aren’t mine by blood but are mine in every other sense of the word. I’m lucky to be able to have them in my life!

They’re mostly normal…

Then there is my husband. I’ve heard people say their husbands are their rocks. Mine is slightly different. My husband rocks. When we got married, in 2010, he even had a Mohawk.

Being a bride was thirsty work!

While he is always there for me and has seen me through some awful times, he’s always done so with the right mixture of compassion and humour. And music. There’s a song in everything, as he always says. He’s not a musician though. He’s a talented designer and artist and a great dad. I’m totally keeping him.

So, why the mushy family-related post? Family is this week’s theme for the Lounge link up but also- my family is going through something super stressful. Something that takes it’s toll on any family. From the dead sock graveyard discovered under the girl’s bunk beds to the drawers full of 3 year old receipts, old batteries and broken salad servers- we are MOVING. With a TODDLER.  It’s make or break time, guys! If we survive this, we’ll survive anything!

Linking up with Musings of the Misguided for The Lounge

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