Blogging buddies

One of the coolest things about blogging, for me, has been the people I’ve met while doing it. We’re a weird bunch- extroverts on the screen, we’re not afraid to spout opinions, have a whinge, make a convincing argument or share deeply personal stories and pics for a variety of reasons.

Image result for internet friends are real friends gif

Does it translate in real life? In my experience, we’re often the most introverted of the extroverts and just need wine time to loosen up. But it’s so much easier when you meet someone you’ve already connected with online. So many people I’ve met through blogging have become real-life mates; we’ve solved the world’s problems while propping up a bar, had weekends away and are always only a click or two away when we need each other. We’ve held each other (literally and figuratively) through grief, stress, health scares and more.

And now, I have to tell you about Bec.

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It Came From The Deep

It Came From The Deep- book cover art

Huge news!

Maria Lewis, who I’ve interviewed before about her first novel, Who’s Afraid? (and reviewed the sequel, Who’s Afraid Too?), has a new novel set to drop into your kindle TOMORROW. Yes! A Halloween release! (You can pre-order here for a discounted price- hurry!)

The concept is so original that I had to know where this story came from. Maria sent me several news articles that inspired her to write It Came From The Deep, which is a young adult sci-fi mystery with MERMEN!

Can you tell I’m a wee bit excited? Not even sorry.


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Stumbling on Sally Hepworth

Quite by accident, I found a book called The Secrets of Midwives earlier this year. It was one of a handful of Australian novels offered at a discount on iTunes when I was looking for something to read on the train.  I liked the sound of it; a story of 3 generations of women, all midwives. The characters had present-day problems that could only really be solved by reliving aspects of the past. I couldn’t put it down.

Sally Hepworth headshot- a seated white female wearing a patterned shirt. She has blonde hair and is smiling broadly and looking to the right.

Sally Hepworth.

I later learned that it was actually the debut novel of Sally Hepworth, an author from Melbourne. Naturally, I sought out her other books and read them both in quick succession. Because I enjoyed them so much, I got in touch with Sally for a chat.

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