Pete Evans: Activated Almonds to Alternative Health

The first time I ever paid any attention to Pete Evans, it was when he’d done a “day in a plate” type interview and he spoke about “activated almonds”. I learned that these were almonds that were soaked and then dried. Wet nuts that became dry nuts. I found this hilarious, but over the intervening years he has gone from a bit of a joke to downright alarming. I got blocked from his Facebook page when I questioned why he was anti fluoride and frankly, he’s gotten even weirder since. Continue Reading

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Conspiracy theories are a favourite past time of mine. I love to read about them and often join Facebook groups or trawl forums full of people that believe them. It’s fascinating to me that someone can propose an idea that relies on a huge network of lies and cover-ups only to have hundreds or even thousands of people decide to agree.

Well, sometimes the arguments are convincing!! But never THAT convincing!!

I say “decide” because surely it’s a conscious decision to take something you have always accepted as truth and discard it in favour of something that seems far-fetched to most of us. Case in point: Flat Earthers. For the uninitiated, Flat Earthers literally believe that the Earth is not the globe that all those pesky satellite pictures would have you believe. It is, in fact, flat.

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