A Kmart Easter?

Dear Kmart,

I love you. It’s no secret that I can spend hours wandering through your homewares and affordable clothing basics without a care in the world. Your brightly-lit stores transport me to a happier place, where everything matches. In Kmart-land, the cushions are all covered and sequins and the succulent plants are exceptionally life-like. The yard accessories are super affordable and everyone is pleasantly surprised by the solar garden lighting solutions. There’s a lot of good to be said about Kmart. I do, however, have one complaint.

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International Women’s Day is Coming

And, predictably, so are the men who are terribly upset by the concept.

A friend posted on her Facebook page about an International Women’s Day event hosted by her employer. She was frustrated and irritated because the keynote (and only) speaker booked for the event is a man. On raising the issue with the organiser, her concerns were swept aside. She was told that it is important that we include men in these events.

Let me say it again: this is for an International Women’s Day event.

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Feeding kids

If you have a both a child and internet access, you’ll know that feeding your child is one of the most fraught and contentious subject that you can discuss. Forget politics, religion or working out which book sucked more- Twilight or 50 Shades? Those debates have NOTHING on the way you feed your kids for the first 10-15 years (yes, YEARS) of their lives. From birth until it’s time to make school lunches, what we put in their mouths is bound to be controversial to someone. It’s like we can’t help ourselves; we have to be outraged by the slightest difference in method, needs or philosophy.

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Grinchy people

I used to be one of those people. You know the ones. Maybe you are one of them, too.

You see the Christmas decorations appearing on department store shelves at the start of October and get all cranky about it. It’s MONTHS away! What are they playing at?

Scrolling your Facebook feed and seeing friends putting up their trees on the first of November? RIDICULOUS!

Christmas trees up in public places before it’s even December? It’s a flippin’ OUTRAGE! Continue Reading

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