This is a guest post written by Dorothy Krajewski.

Full Time Work

Full time work is a joke. I don’t think it works for anyone, but it’s a standard a lot of us accept because our need for security outweighs our need for happiness or well-being. I lived it for many years with a fully able body, without a family, with undiagnosed depression and anxiety and hated it. It took a huge toll on my body and mind and I lived for my days off and holidays.

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I was listening to the radio in the car the other day and the hosts were discussing the allegations of sexual assault made against producer Harvey Weinstein. The male host wondered if sexual assault and sexual harassment at work were issues faced primarily by those in the entertainment industry.

I’m definitely one to sing along to the radio in the car but this was probably the first time I looked at the radio and almost yelled “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” at it.

The female host did a good job of not seeming too incredulous, but I could tell that she was. I think lots of women listening to them would have felt the same.

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Having older kids, the conversation recently turned to them getting jobs. My worry is that school work might suffer, which is important. Probably less important is how old it will make me feel if the kids are old enough to get jobs! I do think it’s good for kids to work, though. Especially outside the home, though chores are also beneficial. Teenage employment teach responsibility and give kids the satisfaction of their own money. It also doesn’t hurt to pick up some skills and experience to help them when they enter the adult workforce. What all this has made me think about is the variety of jobs I had as a teenager.

The first few were a little bit unusual, now that I think back.

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