Guest Post: The Stocking Cycle
Sometimes, a person fixates on something. They think about that something; they obsess over it. They MUST have that something. But one is NEVER enough. Often it’s cats.
Sometimes….just sometimes…It’s a baby carrier- a type of woven wrap, perhaps…
Or perhaps, a Tula.
Special thanks to Yasmine Perkins for sharing her diary excerpts with us!
I don’t own many baby carriers really, just two Tulas, with another on the way. But that’s it, I swear I won’t buy any more, I don’t need any more. I have a two year old and a four year old, okay, they’re closer to three years old and five years old, they can walk perfectly well, walk for hours if they have to. And no plans for any more kids, so really, I don’t need any more carriers. I don’t need any more carriers. I….don’t….need….
Day 1: Feeling meh today. I didn’t score in yesterday’s wrap conversion stocking- where Tula upload all the pretty new Tulas for sale. Not too worried, I’m happy with the two I have. A nice canvas for everyday use, and a full wrap conversion for special occasions. Also have one on the way for the hubby, he needs his own so I don’t have to readjust the straps after he uses mine. I couldn’t possibly readjust the straps each time.
Day 2: Looking for accessories for hubby’s Tula. He can’t have a Tula without accessories. How will he reach the hood without deluxe, embellished reach straps? And suck pads- he can’t have a Tula without suck pads, the almost 3 year old has never tried to suck on the Tula, but how could you take the risk?
Day 3: Mamas in the US are sharing action shots of their newly acquired Tula wrap conversions from the stocking a few days ago. Some are happily parading their trophies, others trying to on-sell because ‘it isn’t love’. But I don’t need another carrier.
Day 4: One for the wishlist. Can I wear my sons in this? Too feminine? But I’m feminine! I can! I could! So pretty- but I hardly need another carrier.
Day 5: Enter a Facebook competition to win a Tula. I technically own three Tulas and don’t need to buy another, but winning one doesn’t count, right? Like the page (shows up in all friends news feeds), comment on the post (shows up in all friends news feeds), share the post (shows up in all friends news feeds). Note I have 20 less friends than yesterday.
Day 6: Wishlist: Okinami Skye. I don’t go to the beach often but when I do- THIS would be the carrier to take!
Day 7: Bought dips to win a Tula. Really wanted to win so I bought lots. Didn’t win. Got angry and unjoined dips group, instantly regretted so re-joined and bought more dips.
Day 8: Checked to see if I won a Tula in the dip group. Thought I saw my name listed as the winner. Wasn’t me, was someone called Janice Perlman. She keeps banging on about how excited she is. It’s so annoying when people carry on like that.
Day 9: Had a dream last night. I dreamed I bought a Tula and inside the box was a golden ticket. The golden ticket gave me access to Ula’s stash, where I would be allowed to choose any Tula ever made. The problem was Ula stored the canvases on the lower shelves and all the wrap conversions up high out of reach. I could see Okis, I could see Ernas, but ended up leaving with an Urbanista. I woke up screaming. I think it is a sign from Ula that I need to try at the next stocking.
Day 10: Sneak peeks are up. So many pretty Tulas. Chat with other mamas on Facebook about which ones we want to score, instantly dislike anyone who says they’re going to try for the ones I like.
Day 11: Keep checking on sneak peeks in case more are uploaded.
Day 12: I definitely need another Tula. I figure even if my kids don’t want to be carried anymore, I still do groceries- groceries need to be carried, right? And our old dog, she’s getting on a bit, she’d love to be able to go on walks more often, the Tula would be great for that. I have heaps of friends with kids, when they come to visit, I’ll wear them. Dolls, my boys have a few dolls around the house, the kids would get a kick out of seeing me wear their dolls. I definitely need another Tula.
Day 13: I have taken the opportunity on this beautiful Sunday morning to go knocking on my neighbours’ doors, asking if they would kindly refrain from using the internet tomorrow morning. I will need as much internet speed as possible in order to score and if they are to use the internet for their trivial things I won’t succeed.
Day 14: It’s here! It’s here! Stocking day is finally here! Since I worked night shift last night I have had the past 10 hours to mentally prepare. I have discussed at length how I am going to ‘win’ a Tula today with any colleague who happens to make eye contact with me, I can tell they are interested because they keep smiling and nodding as they back out of the room. Race home to the computer to set up with half an hour to spare. The children wake to meet me in their pyjamas, their sweet faces fresh from sleep, but there is no time to stop and greet them, there are Tulas at stake!
When the page links are up, I login to my account on the Tula page. I zoom my screen to 50%, so that when the Tulas go onto the page, I can see them all at once. I copy my credit card number, so that when I have that sweet baby in my cart, I can quickly paste the number in for a speedy checkout. I study the layout of the pages to determine where to put my pointer so when the links are up I should be hovering directly over the purchase button. If the children are talking to me, I tell them that daddy is sleeping on a bag of lollies, and the more he tells them he isn’t, the harder they should look for them.
Time check 08:58hr, time to start refreshing. F5…F5…F5…this starts slowly then increases in speed as it gets closer to 9am. F5F5F5F5F5F5F5. Refreshing over and over again, in a frenzy, the adrenaline is pumping now, butterflies in my stomach, rapid breathing, and then it happens. I suddenly have a screen full of pretties. No time to look, I click blindly ADD TO CART..ADD TO CART!! It all comes down to this moment. I don’t know what I have chosen, I don’t care what I have chosen I just have to have it. I can almost feel the buttery softness of my mystery wrap conversion. Imagine myself running through a flower filled meadow wearing it, dancing and twirling in the sunlight, just me and my Tula. But my dream is fleeting, because I suddenly see what I have come to know too well. The screen that says there has been a problem, that I can’t have my Tula, because someone else has it. I try to go back, I pick another, then another, but it’s the same thing.
Quickly all of the beautiful Tulas disappear from my screen and I am left with an empty cart, and an empty heart.
But it’s okay. I didn’t really need another Tula anyway. I don’t need any more carriers.
Linking up with With Some Grace for #FYBF
Linking up with Have a Laugh on Me for Laugh Link