In a few months time, my family and I will be transforming into our favourite characters for the day. We will all wear costumes and go out in public and it will be totally fine. Expected, even. Not weird at all.

We won’t even stand out in the crowd- unless, of course, we do a spectacular job. Where we are going, many people will be in costume and those that aren’t wont be perplexed or bothered by those that are. It’s more likely they’ll be gasping in admiration as a stunning Poison Ivy walks by. Maybe they’ll stop an impressive Dalek and ask for a photo. Because that’s what happens at Oz Comic-Con. The costumed crowd mingles with the regularly dressed and everyone has a good time!

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“Merry Christmas”, Mariah Carey’s Christmas album, was first released on November 1st, 1994. It is 39 minutes and 31 seconds of pure “contemporary holiday” music featuring “authentic, gospel flavoured background vocals”, if you wanted to know.  Carey sings traditional holiday songs, religious songs and even a few original Christmas tunes of her own, like “All I Want for Christmas Is You”, which is apparently the 11th best selling single of all time. Yes, out of all the songs in the world, ever. The album itself was sold over 15 million copies word wide and is the best selling Christmas album ever.

I know, I know. I am just as shocked as you. My money was on the 1981 spectacular ‘A Chipmunk Christmas’ that I had on cassette as a child. The dulcet tones of Alvin, Simon and Theodore screeched Christmas at me in a way no other ever has.

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My husband and I are just as deliriously happy now as we were when we met almost a decade ago. In that decade, our toddlers have become a tween and two teens and we added another child into the mix, who is in the midst of her threenagerdom.
So our delirious happiness, that once stemmed from the joy we found in each other, is still there. We are, however, somewhat more delirious due to years of broken sleep. But even with temperamental toddlers and moody teens, it’s possible to keep the romance alive. Here are the 3 ways we maintain the balance:

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Some parents do everything for their children, from the moment they are born right up until they leave the nest. They cook, clean, wash and take care of every need their child has, right through the teenage years.

They do it out of love, a sense of duty or a combination of both. With most parenting choices, I don’t really worry too much about what other people do. People are usually doing their best, they mean well, even if I don’t agree, their intentions are good, yada yada yada, right? Nothing to do with me and I shouldn’t judge.

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