Many of us will be hitting the shops this week, clutching lists of stationery to be purchased, among other things. How would you feel about buying a few extras while you’re there? That’s exactly what I’m doing and I’m just gonna throw it out there- I would love it if you did too. It turns out that basic stationery is something many kids simply don’t have access to. There are so many barriers to a good education faced by children across Australia. We can actually help with that, thanks to Natalie Panzarino and her best mate, Lauren McCormack Sundstrom. Together, they’ve started Got A Pen? and Natalie kindly told me all about it!

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Everyone has their own version of car park hell. That one car park they, for some reason, go to regularly. The place where no one else seems to understand the rules of the car park. Where car park etiquette has ceased to exist. The kinds of carparks where you’re lucky to leave with a ding or two and your sanity mostly intact.


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Procrastination: the fine art of doing something other than what you should be doing. I say it’s an art because I have seen some extremely creative, focused and driven efforts to avoid doing certain things. In fact, I’ve often seen them because I am doing them.


So, why do we do it? Are we avoiding something painful? Are we addicted to the rush of adrenaline that comes from finishing a mammoth task at the last minute? Do we lack the confidence or ability to achieve certain things? Or are we just damn lazy and unmotivated? From all I have read, the answer is yes. That is, yes to all of those things. It’s not necessarily a bad thing; I can be pretty darn productive while avoiding something else. I think that’s the secret to not wasting your procrastination. Put the PRO into procrastination. Procrastinate like a PRO! Procrastinate PROductively! PROmise to get shit done, eventually! (I’m sure there’s more PRO type examples to use and I will try to think of them. Later.)

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The lead up to the election was pretty brutal on the Internet.

Everything from climate change to Medicare privatisation to the right to be a Muslim was on the table. Micro parties with misleading agendas were dissected all over the place. Reasoned discussion was answered with crappy memes, facts met with excessive use of caps-lock, evidence stricken from the record when it didn’t match opinions.

It was like the Internet at all times, but more so. Internet intensified. And that’s just here in Australia. Checking out some Facebook pages and Twitter feeds, it looks like it’s been pretty intense in America for some time now, between the presidential election, racial tension and the never-ceasing discussion on gun laws.

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