There’s been a bunch of articles about an upcoming series of seminars planned for a number of venues in Australia. These seminars feature well known anti-vaccination osteopath Sherri Tenpenny, author of Saying No to Vaccines. You can read some highlights from her here on Reasonable Hank’s blog. She’s the headline act, along with Norma Erikson, president of anti-vaccine group SaneVax. The seminars appear to be being run by Stephanie Messenger, who authored a (pretty terrible) book called Melanie’s Marvellous Measles.


Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee

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The Vaccine Debate: Are Anti-Vaxxers Bad Parents?

I have started, stopped, rewritten, deleted, restarted and pondered over writing something slightly more substantial on this topic. I’m going around in circles. You see, I don’t think the majority of parents who choose not vaccinate are bad parents. Not at all. I think they are no different to any other parent who wants to do the best they can for their kids. I don’t think anyone is crazy for doing research before deciding to vaccinate or not. But I am in favour of vaccination, after lots of reading and discussion, and I make no apologies for that. For every bit of “evidence” I have seen (and, as this is a topic I’m really interested in, I’ve seen quite a lot) that claims to show vaccines as dangerous/poisonous/deadly/autism-inducing/etc I have been able to easily find multiple scientific studies that refute these claims.

These studies and their results are generally widely available online, so parents that aren’t vaccinating have access to the exact same information that I do- how is it that we are coming to such different conclusions?


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I don’t subscribe to the notion that Big Pharma (or, as I always picture when I read those words, Big Farmer) is out to get us, forcing vaccines into unwitting families in an effort to poison us all for the sake of the almighty dollar. There are years and years of research showing the safety and efficacy of vaccinations for the vast majority of people.

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