If you look at how Babywearing is portrayed on tv and in movies- it’s no wonder people choose the least ergonomic carriers to start with!  So often they are narrow based, outward facing and just look damn uncomfy to anyone who wears an older baby or toddler with any regularity.

First up, we have The Guys who love the least ergonomic carriers, in the least comfy position:

The Hangover


Probably the most iconic Hollywood babywearing stint ever to hit the big screen, this has been replicated on tee shirts, baby suits and more. Such a shame they didn’t show it being done in a comfortable and ergonomic way! Still- it’s very cute!

Bad Neighbours


Channeling Zac Galifianakis, we have another example of the narrow based carrier facing outward. I do admit, putting a baby on Seth Rogan was probably the only thing you could do to make him cuter! 

Guys With Kids


From What I can tell- this promo shot for an American comedy TV show is indeed an homage to The Hangover.

The Pacifier


Props to Vin Diesel for the tandem wear! I’m not sure how comfy he was but the back carried kid looks super cosy. The little guy dangling on the front? He is adorable and looks happy in this shot but I don’t know how long that grin lasted- note how stiffly his arms appear to be held, for example.

What To Expect When You’re Expecting


I know what to expect after wearing a bub in a front pack, facing out, while also pushing a pram. A sore back! Actually, looking at these images so far, you’d be forgiven for thinking guys have no idea about carriers- c’mon Hollywood- give our men a bit more credit!

Next up we have Animated but Still Looks Uncomfortable:

Family Guy


This has given me a great idea! I’m going to sew a pair of undies onto a vest and stick my kid into the undies- DIY baby carrier! *facepalm*

The Simpsons


This looks like Homer Wearing Maggie in a Mei Tai! Great carrier choice, Homey! But it looks like her foot is sticking out of the waistband? Still- pretty close!!

Another from The Simpsons


The seat is far too narrow for Homer- that isn’t even close to knee-to-knee support and Rainier seems to need to support his leg! Fail! 

Dora the Explorer


Goodness, Swiper- if the carrier can swing like that it is FAR too loose! Geez! 

Next up: Just…No.

Grey’s Anatomy.


Why is this a Just No? because it depicts dangerous baby wearing. That baby needs an infant insert- their head should not be **inside** the carrier! Also, the back strap (which is a chest strap when back carrying with this type of carrier) was apparently left undone, risking the baby being dropped. Why set such a bad example on such a popular show?



The premise of this movie is that a small person who is a criminal on the run is mistaken for someone’s newly adopted son and, um, just goes along with it?? 

Austin Powers: Goldmember


If I have to explain what’s *wrong* about this…well, it’s pretty scary- I hope my Mini-Me doesn’t actually resemble Mini-Me!

And now for a yes!

This leads to one of the better representations I’ve seen. It’s not exactly babywearing… But it is wearing another being.

It’s a nice high back carry with a structured carrier that has a support belt at the waist, the wearer could probably use cushier shoulder straps but the little guy being worn looks comfy, he can look around and can interact with his wearer.

I’d say that’s a win!

Star Wars: The Emperor Strikes Back





If you’re looking for a great carrier, I highly recommend Frangipani Baby and Baby Mumma– both run by experienced baby wearers who will be able to point you in the direction of a carrier that suits your needs that it also ergonomic, safe and comfortable!


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