Last week, Soraiya Fuda published an opinion piece for Rendezview on why she believes that “fat size 20-somethings” do not belong on the fashion runway. She was referring to a Sports Illustrated fashion show that showcased plus-size models in swimwear last month.

Fuda was quick to point out that she wasn’t fat-shaming. She did so in the first paragraph, in fact, mentioning that there were models in the size 12-18 bracket. She said that those models demonstrated that women of “every size” deserved lovely swimwear. Every size, it would seem, except those above a 20.

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Morgan Mikenas.

A fitness blogger called Morgan Mikenas stopped shaving and people are losing their freaking minds.

Can I just point out that it is 2017? A woman doing whatever the fuck she wants with the hair on her body is totally fine, right?

 I gave up leg shavery back in 2014. No fucking regrets. I even eventually gave up the pits, because frankly, I have better things to do. If you choose to spend your time and money culling your body hair, that’s your business. However, if you choose to spend your time on the internet, policing those that don’t, I have a few things to say about that.

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A couple of days ago, the lady behind the counter at the supermarket asked if she could offer my 4 year old a lolly. I agreed, and she held the jar down and told her she could have a couple. I suggested maybe taking one for herself and one for her friend we were going to visit. A man I didn’t know leaned down to my daughter’s level and smiled kindly, pointing to my midsection, and said “And don’t forget one for the baby inside, eh?”.

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The Girls on the Train.

On a Sydney train, I stood close to two young women. On a Sydney train, standing close is pretty luxurious; I wasn’t actually pressed up against anyone or competing for something to hang on to. These two young women were headed in to town to meet their friend for a bit of shopping. They were buying accessories to wear as part of the friend’s bridal party. (Yes, I was close enough to hear their whole conversation, whether I wanted to or not.)

This means they were most likely close friends of the bride to be, I imagine. Close friends or not, it didn’t stop them from saying some pretty unkind things about her. Not about her character. They seemed to agree that she was a lovely person, but… Could she not wear something different? Why is she always wearing those short skirts? She has great calves, everyone knows that, but her thighs? God! She needs something at least knee length to hide those dimples. She actually needs to be careful, because remember Cherie? She used to be so pretty until she got fat.

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