I have a special guest on the blog today.If you’re a regular here, you’ll probably know that I posted an update earlier this week on my Hair Removal Hiatus that began last year. Basically, I’ve spent a bit of time experimenting with body hair and seeing what I like as opposed to what society expects of me or the media dictates to me. In the same vein, my cousin (by marriage, but I’m claiming him) Joe Wilson, wrote this great piece on his experiences around body hair, which are much more diverse than most.

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Is there anything more disheartening than hearing about women who aren’t on their own side? You know the ones I mean. They post pictures on tumblr holding placards explaining why they apparently do not need feminism, like this one:

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Image Source– Yep, in America, where they have just imprisoned a woman for losing a pregnancy. No oppression there.

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In another stunning example of ill informed commentary, our PM and Minister for Women has said: 

“I certainly don’t believe in that kind of political correctness. Let boys be boys, let girls be girls – that’s always been my philosophy…Above all else, let parents do what they think is in the best interests of their children.” 

This was in response to the No Gender December Campaign, which seeks to highlight the fact that the Toy industry, along with toy retailers, are continuing to promote gender stereotypes that research has shown to be harmful.


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