A Kmart Easter?

Dear Kmart,

I love you. It’s no secret that I can spend hours wandering through your homewares and affordable clothing basics without a care in the world. Your brightly-lit stores transport me to a happier place, where everything matches. In Kmart-land, the cushions are all covered and sequins and the succulent plants are exceptionally life-like. The yard accessories are super affordable and everyone is pleasantly surprised by the solar garden lighting solutions. There’s a lot of good to be said about Kmart. I do, however, have one complaint.

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New Year, New Me!

That’s how it goes, right? At the start of the year, we humans like to make promises to ourselves about how much better we will become. Turning over a new leaf is the plan every year, but various studies and surveys show that we absolutely suck at sticking to the plan. I did some googling extensive scientific research to find the most common resolutions we make, and break, each year.

Instead of making the same impossible resolutions, let’s try to be realistic. Let’s aim for achievable New Year’s resolutions, just for a change!

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