Sex is an amazing part of life. Some people say otherwise, but in reality, these days sex is primarily about pleasure and enjoyment. I think most young people figure that out fairly quickly, so there’s no need to hide it. Sex can be part of a powerful connection to another person. It can heighten emotions and feelings of intimacy. Conversely, it can be something shared between relative strangers. Something exciting and new and maybe never to be repeated.

When you are young men, out in the world, it’s only natural that sex will be something you seek. You might chase it quietly, wanting the love and affection that comes with it in a committed relationship. Perhaps you will pursue it with an appetite, wanting to experience all the variety that life can offer you in this area. You might hold out for that special someone or you might have two dozen someones come into your life at various times, all special in their own way. Whichever way you decide to run your sex life is fine by me, but there are things you should know.

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A little over a year ago, I spoke to my friend Amber* about what it was like to be a submissive in a Dom/sub relationship. The resulting interview, 7 Questions with a Submissive, has been searched for and read thousands of times now. This week, I’m following up with Master Tony, the Dom half of Amber’s relationship. He gives us an insight into life and relationships from a Dom perspective.

It’s important to remember that a true Dom/sub relationship is consensual and entered into freely.  It might not be the lifestyle for me, personally, but I have learned a lot about it from both Amber and Tony and I can see how important that consent is. What also surprised me was learning that it’s not all about pleasing the Dom. In fact, the Dom, even though they demand obedience, must be focused on the needs and enjoyment of the sub partner. Interesting!

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Same sex marriage. It seems like something that should never have been prevented in the first place and yet it was

Religious groups are lobbying against it. Conservative politicians and ex-politicians are speaking against it. Ignorant bigots are speaking against it. The government, if re-elected, wants to spend millions (somewhere between $160- $525 million dollars, depending on who you believe) on a pointless, non-binding plebiscite over it. There are pamphlets being prepared in the hope of perpetuating the bigotry and fear-mongering around something that is actually completely innocuous- couples who just want to get married.

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The way I see it, there are two main kinds of people in this world. The ones who like strawberry jam and the ones that don’t. Some people say it’s actually a much broader spectrum than just liking jam or not, but whatever. I’m not judging or anything. I mean, I don’t care if you don’t like strawberry jam. It’s your life, after all. I can’t say I really get it, though. Most people like strawberry jam. I mean, what’s not to like? Strawberry jam is sweet and tasty and you can buy it smooth and jelly-like or with big chunks of fruit through it- whichever way you prefer. It comes in jars and squeeze bottles and you can buy it just about anywhere.

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