Alicia Keys is all over the place right now for her decision to go makeup free at the VMAs. In fact, she’s given up makeup altogether. Some people are applauding her bravery while others are pointing out that she’s kinda genetically blessed anyway, so is she really being brave?

alicia keys- makeup free

Genetics are definitely in her favour. She a beautiful woman. However, I don’t think that makes what she is doing any less brave.

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I’m always a wee bit frazzled, what with up to 4 children to ferry about at any given time, a demanding cat, shift work and so on- but that is no excuse for not looking my best at all times. Anyone who knows me will verify that my beauty routine  is terrible terribly important to me- it’s on par with my dedication to doing fashion.


Me, circa 2008, ready to hit the town.

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Rape culture is a term being used a lot lately. It’s not a new term, but there is a new awareness of how acceptable it has become to sexually assault women in our society. Rape culture endorses blaming victims for their assaults, making women responsible for preventing their assaults and shaming women for the sexual exploits that men are applauded for. Why women are treated this way is a big question and there isn’t one single answer but rather many facets of our society that come together to form the larger picture. And as we all know, a picture can speak a thousand words, which is why advertisers have much to answer for in perpetuating this disturbing culture.

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